Italian Society of Physiotherapy (A.I.FI.) - ESMAC

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Italian Society of Physiotherapy (A.I.FI.)

Home Italian Society of Physiotherapy (A.I.FI.)

Italian Society of Physiotherapy (A.I.FI.)

a Scientific Society with over 6.000 members, associated with the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT)

The A.I.FI. first International Scientific annual meeting wil be held in Verona during a hybrid Congress from November 26th to 28th

On Saturday 27th, one of the in-presence sessions will be dedicated to Gait Analysis with the following invited speakers: Maurizio Ferrarin, Isabella Campanini, Ilse Jonkers and Shortland Adam. This session is organized by the Group of Interest on Neurological Physioterapy and Neuroscienze, a subgroup of A.I.FI. with 450 members.


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