ECN Spotlight webinar

After a very successful in-person ECN network meeting at the ESMAC conference, we would like to invite you all to our Fall ECN Webinar! This Webinar we will put the spotlight on the winner of the first Dr. Tom Shannon Promising Scientist Award that was awarded to Dr. Tamaya van Criekinge at the annual meeting in Athens.

Tamaya will present her past, current, and future work plans.

ECN Spotlight webinar:

Trunk control and gait: challenges and opportunities for healthy aging and stroke rehabilitation by Tamaya van Criekinge.

On Oct 25th, 3.00 pm CEST time (Amsterdam)

Tamaya is a rising postdoc at KU Leuven who aims to improve rehabilitation for patients with neurological disorders. She has a special interest in the role of the trunk on balance and motion decline in the aging population. She just returned from a Fullbright funded project with Prof Tanvi Bhatt at the University of Illinois in Chicago. Join this webinar to learn more about Tamaya’s research past, present, and future plans!

How to Join:

  • With the following link you can join the meeting.
  • With the following link you can add this meeting to your Google Calendar!
  • Outlook or another mailbox user? Simply double-click on the ical attachment!

Upcoming webinars

  • We are working with Gait & Posture on an interactive webinar on how to constructively review a journal paper;
  • And preparing a special series on how to apply for academic positions.

If you are interested in joining our organizing committee, have questions or suggestions, please contacts us at

We are looking forward at welcoming you into the ECN and onto the ECN platform!

On behalf of the ECN committee,

Lizeth Sloot

Check out the recordings in the Member Area!